We are pleased to announce XDV Utility Token to be released June-July 2021. It will be used together with https://firmas.xdv.digital XDV Document Signer product in Binance Smart Chain. It will be a bonding curve based token, and no team token vesting.
The token will be around 100 millions total supply and the phase 2 of the tokenomics involves a DAO governance, hopefully using PanamaDAO, otherwise a simple DAO focused on open source coop.
The token will mostly be used to invest in our team to fund the open source operation, kind of like gitcoin, but also and most importantly, to incentivize use of our platforms and lower operation costs by businesses and users, where people can stake their tokens, get some in return or use those returns for gas, the more you stake, more or almost free document signature you will get.
That is the main idea with the token for 2021, other areas where the token can work out:
- Electronic invoicing node staking
- PanamaDAO native token
- XDV Worker native token
- XDV Document Publisher NFT staking
For more info about IFESA, read the next post about our team and products / protocols.