Note: Requires Go 1.17+, see docs.cosmos.network for hardware and software requirements
1. Clone https://github.com/Electronic-Signatures-Industries/ancon-protocol-cosmos-hub
2. Download Starport
3. Run `starport chain build`
4. Copy `go/bin/gaiad` to `/usr/local/bin`
Running Your Own Full-Node
Note: Requires Vega Upgrade to be live on testnet
1. Clean any existing files `rm -rf .gaia/`
2. Create keys or use existing
`gaiad keys add mykey -i — keyring-backend file`
3. Initialize
`gaiad init mynode — chain-id vega-testnet`
4. Copy `app.toml` and `config.toml` to `.gaia/config`
5. Extract `gen.zip` to `.gaia/config/genesis.json`
6. Run `gaiad start — x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants`
Staking information