IFESA Litepaper

2 min readMay 6, 2021


Industrias de Firmas Electrónicas SA, is a Panamanian based software technology corporation founded in September 2020 by Rogelio Morrell, Bradley Suira, Lourdes Vega and Luis Sanchez, to introduce decentralized technologies and digital signatures to Panama and worldwide.

Our flagship open source product, XDV Platform, plus our industry experience, is something we are looking forward to expand with a stronger, protocol oriented company and where a DAO and a token are potential vehicles to foster innovation around decentralized apps and digital signatures.


IFESA focusing with great success on the following fronts:

  • Digital Signatures and Smart Contracts
  • Wallet technologies
  • Decentralized Security

Digital Signatures and Smart Contracts

Our current open source protocols cover areas such as insurance, health and education sector. Government by mandate has to use qualified signatures to move the “Agenda Digital” and strive for zero paper. We expect these industry to grow exponentially due to paradigm shifts of workforce going digital.

Wallet technologies

By far and large, most of our attention regarding wallet is outside Latin America. XDV Wallet very first customer was DecentBet, a web wallet available in the Vechain dapp ecosystem.

Decentralized Security

Our team includes members from other IT security companies with 10 plus years of experience, and we have partnerships in KYC and AML products.

XDV Platform

XDV Universal Wallet

The 2nd version of XDV Platform Wallet was rebranded Universal Wallet. Most of it has been refactor and is used by other DeFi projects. The roadmap for 2021 is to be able to pass W3C Universal Wallet specifications and get it to a compliant state.

XDV Document Signer

This is our main signature product available in Binance Smart Chain testnet in https://firmas.xdv.digital.

Current roadmap is to complete UX and make it more two parties feature for document signing.

XDV Document Publisher

Our secure document publishing uses a NFT approach and allows publishers to get paid for their documents or data. Roadmap includes completing UI implementation, where the protocol is already completed.

XDV Invoice Protocol

These are a set of open source reference implementation for companies looking to implement DGI Factura Electrónica. This industry is set to start in 2022 and is a billions of dollars in market.

Panama DAO

Our latest open source community based DAO, is focused on mapping IPACOOP (Panama Coops) laws into a dual layer DAO.


  • Sumsub
  • Ciphertrace
  • Biconomy.io
  • Staked.us


  • Swarm Foundation — 2500 BZZ

Contributor to

  • DIF Foundation

Contact info@ifesa.tech for more




Industrias de Firmas Electrónicas, S.A. (IFESA) es la primera empresa panameña dedicada a tecnologías basadas en algoritmos criptográficos, firmas electrónicas,