Content Provenance and Authenticity

2 min readFeb 14, 2022


Ancon Protocol V2 is a step forward to avoid NFT fakes and counterfeiting

Investors might be asking why didn’t tackled this with the Filecoin grant. Reason is that technological changes need to happen first before you are able to start implementing. Imagine if the Next computer never had been invented, then we probably would have a different present than a smartphone economy gives us.

But is exactly the smartphone and cell phone technologies that will be key to eliminating most forms of fake NFT which are making devastation across the industry (read Cent closing down).

Is it possible and viable?

Many older tech people remember failures from back in the days when digital rights management software was built into Windows Media Player and other similar technologies. That was then, now with cryptography innovations in the cloud computing industry things that just to be impossible are now making way for major paradigm changes, thanks to inspiration from blockchain and PKI.

Ancon Protocol proposal is to use existing hardware content or state checks like Apple DeviceCheck and Android Safetynet, to fingerprint a signature being created from a hardware device. Given the fingerprint, we know for sure this specific address sign that binary object from that particular hardware. That is feasible and not that complex. We are even thinking out loud to publish an Ethereum Improvement Proposal of how to do this together with WalletConnect technology.

Legal Tech for Content

The technology part like I said is already in place, and we intent to make it as much compatible with the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity as possible using decentralized technologies.

But imagine if software by itself could come to dispute and arbitrage of content? If I copy an image from a famous publisher or artist, if the fingerprinting of both publisher and counterfeiter could be disputed? Yes that is also not something far fetch.

Ancon Protocol V2 will have a dispute and arbitration set of smart contracts that will only focus on content provenance. By focusing on a specific set of problem, we are able to use existing o new decentralized legal tech stack to make C2PA implementation in Ancon Protocol a reality and something that our $ANCON token holders will appreciate.

Finally, our intention is to start this new roadmap once we complete Encode Club accelerator, by then the team will be free to plan properly and current Q1 plan should be also a done deal

I hope this gives you an insight into what we want the protocol to be and how to get there in reasonable time.

— Rogelio Morrell C. , CEO




Industrias de Firmas Electrónicas, S.A. (IFESA) es la primera empresa panameña dedicada a tecnologías basadas en algoritmos criptográficos, firmas electrónicas,