Built with Substrate

We love EVM, but we had challenges finding a match for our did-jwt-rsa DID JWT Signer. Arweave was an option but our use case requires RSA 2048 bytes instead of 4096 bytes.
Why Substrate? Besides having the best blockchain architecture, you can even bring your own crypto wrapper, create custom RPCs and offchain workers!
Update: Includes roadmap
Q4 2021
- Cross chain decentralized content linked data: Built in rust-ipld engine with support for did-jwt (elliptic curves) and did-jwt-rsa (RSA), with default IPFS datastore, and additionally Swarm Bee.
- Out of the box support for BLS Aggregation Signatures, DID Verified Credential support using did-jwt-*
- Compatible with any wallet or using XDV Universal Wallet W3C interface
Q1 2022
- C2PA compatibility
- Smart Contracts (AssemblyScript)
- Node Staking
Q2 2022
Use Cases
- Digital Signatures (smartcard, blockchain wallet based or compatible with EC and RSA algorithms)
- Verified Credentials (using did-jwt)
- Allows ETL like features or decoupling of decentralized storage
- GDPR content data management
- Long term signed storage
- Private networks that require cross chain decentralized content APIs
- Native NFT API: NFT content can be protected, and decoupled by having a copy in each decentralized network.
- Node staking: Allows users to stake XDV tokens while running nodes with XDV, IPFS and/or Swarm Bee
- Electronic Invoicing
— Rogelio