Ancon Protocol Node — Rust Smart Contracts

2 min readDec 22, 2021

We finally coming closer to define the protocol. The previous iteration with Go language has been reimplemented as a Rust Smart Contract implementation using SecondState superb Wasmedge VM.

And then we took our experience with ICS23 Vector Commitments, IPLD Dag stores and IAVL Trees and merge all that into anconprotocol/sdk, anconprotocol/node and and anconprotocol/contracts.

Taking ideas from leading optimistic rollups like Celer Labs Optics and The Hubble Project, we can say Ancon Protocol is similar but for programmable data retrieval that are based on IPLD dag stores.

There is still more room for improvements and the initial release has trusted flows, and trustless where ICS23 can be apply, but ultimately the goal is to get to a 100% trustless implementation for IPLD Dag stores and ideally using Graphsync/libp2p protocol.


  • Full L2 experience: Onchain metadata in any ICS23 compatible smart contracts platform.
  • Offchain IAVL Merkle Tree as a service.
  • Robust WasmEdge implementation of a Rust Smart Contracts engine for EIP-3668 Secure Data Retrieval flows.
  • Complete did-web and did-key CRUD and authentication enabled for uploading and executing smart contracts.
  • Similar approach to The Hubble Project, once you commit first transaction in L1, your account root is ready to be verifiable by ICS23 Vector Commitments proofs.
  • Agnostic, no need to integrate low level with any chain

What’s next

We are planning to release a few dapps, one a NFT Marketplace and other NFT Cross Chain NFT Bridge in January 2022 as use cases of what be built with Ancon Protocol.

More to the future, we expect to grow the community and planned for Ancon Data Unions, where both Protocol (ICS23, IAVL, IPLD, etc…) will work together with Graphsync for startups to build data unions linking data as subgraph networks, with gas metering, and other features desired in secure offchain data retrieval.

- Rogelio




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